Picture of Me!

Hey! I'm Sri Ganesh Ganta ðŸ‘‹

I'm a software engineer with a strong passion for building solving real life problems and learning the way of tech by building applications with great user experiences that positively impacts the world.

This is my technology stack

Html Logo
CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
TypeScript Logo
Vue Logo
Nuxt Logo
React Logo
MobX Logo

Here are some of my projects

  • Car subscription project

    Fuel Quote Project

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDb, Node.js

    Implemented a web app that allows client to register and create a fuel quote based on their current location. Implemented a database using MongoDB, to keep track of all important user data. Features a secure authentication system that stores passwords using bcrypt library of JavaScript

  • Car subscription project

    Cancer classification

    Python, OpenCv, Numpy, Pandas, Mathplotlib

    Analyzed the diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database and implemented different classification algorithmsto compare their accuracy in classifying breast cancer type. Implemented supervised machine learning models such as KNN, SVM, LDA, logistic regression, andDTreetoaccurately predict a patient with a malignant tumor.

  • Car subscription project

    Flappy Bird

    Created an 2d interactive game, using pygame library of python based on the renowed flappy bird game where users can fly and dodge pipes using one tap,